Tool 2A
Policy Team Roster

A Workplace Policy Team is a group of individuals, each with different roles in the organization, who come together and help create and champion a workplace policy.
Consider your organization from as many perspectives as possible and build a Workplace Policy Team with those perspectives in mind.
- Does your team have a mixture of managers, supervisors, and employees?
- Do you have representatives from as many divisions or departments as possible?
- Is the group diverse in gender, age, and length of employment?
- Are there employees who have an interest or responsibility related to safety?
- Are employees who regularly drive to work as well as those who don’t included?
Key Terms for Workplace Distracted Driving Policies
Company business: any situation where an employee is performing tasks on behalf of their employer.
Hands-free device: a mobile device that can be operated through voice command, often through a wireless or Bluetooth connection, integrated into the vehicle.
Hand-held device: a mobile device that is operated while holding the phone in hand and operating it through pressing buttons or a touch screen.
Mobile device: any portable communication device including (but not limited to) mobile phones, smart phones, tablets, and laptop computers.
Employer-owned or Employee-owned device: Employees may conduct company business on devices that are either employer owned or employee owned. Both types of devices may be for work as well as personal uses.